Markdown guide


What is Markdown?
Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax aimed for web writers. It allows you to easily write text, without the need or help of external tools or a user interface, that later will be formatted as HTML while maintaining readability. Markdown can be used instead of or in conjunction of text formatted with BBCode.
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Text formatting

Creating bold text
To make a piece of text bold, enclose it in a pair of ** or __, e.g.
will become

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Creating italic text
To italicise text, enclose it in a pair of * or _, e.g.
will become

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Creating strikethrough text
To strikethrough text, enclose it in a pair of ~~, e.g.
~~Good morning~~
will become

Good morning
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Creating subscript text
To create subscript text, enclose it in a pair of ~, e.g.
will become

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Creating superscript text
To create a superscript text, add ^ before the text, e.g.
will become

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Creating headers
To create headers, add from 1 up to 6 # followed by a space before the text. The higher the number, the smaller the text would be, e.g.
# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
will become





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Quoting and outputting fixed-width text

Quoting text in replies
To quote text, add > and optionally an space before the text line, e.g.
> Quoted text
will become

Quoted text

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Outputting code
To output code, enclose it in a pair of ``` or ~~~, or alternatively add 4 empty spaces before each line. You can also specify the language in the first marker, e.g.
puts "Hello #{user}!"
will become
puts "Hello #{user}!"
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Outputting inline code
To output inline code, enclose it in pair of ` or ``, e.g.
`<div>` tag
``<div>`` tag
will become

<div> tag
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Generating tables

Creating tables
To create tables, add a line of text divided with | which will be the table headers, after that a new line with - and optionally : to the left, on both sides or to the right to align the text of that column, again divided with |. All successive lines divided with | will be rendered as table rows, e.g.
| Left | Center | Right |
| x | x | x |
will become

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Generating spoilers

Creating block spoilers
To create a block spoiler, add >! and optionally an space before the text line. Subsequent lines can be started with >, e.g.
>! Spoiler text
> Another line
will become

Spoiler text
Another line

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Creating inline spoilers
To create an inline spoiler, enclose the text inside >! and !< or inside a pair of ||, e.g.
This is a Reddit-style >!spoiler!<.
This is a Discord-style ||spoiler||.
will become

This is a Reddit-style spoiler.
This is a Discord-style spoiler.

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Generating lists

Creating unordered list
To create an unordered list, add *, - or + followed by an space before each list item. Lists can be nested by adding 4 additional spaces or a tab to create a sublevel, e.g.
- Element
- Subelement
- Element
will become

  • Element
    • Subelement
  • Element
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Creating ordered list
To create an ordered list, add a digit followed by a dot and a space, e.g.
1. Element
1. Subelement
2. Element
will become

  1. Element
    1. Subelement
  2. Element
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Creating task list
To create a task list, add *, - or + followed by an space, either [x] or [ ], and another space before each list item. The [x] and [ ] characters would display a checked box and an uncheked box, respectively, e.g.
- [x] Element
- [x] Subelement
- [ ] Element
will become

  • Element
    • Subelement
  • Element
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Creating links

Linking to another site
To create links, add the link text inside square brackets followed by the link URL inside parentheses, e.g.
[Link text](
will become

Link text
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Showing images

Adding images
To show an image, add an exclamation mark followed by the image alternate text inside square brackets and then the image URL inside parenthesis, e.g.
will become

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Creating horizontal rules
To create a horizontal rule, add at least 3 *, - or _ optionally separated with a space, e.g.
* * *
- - -
_ _ _
will become

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